Home » Opt-Out Organ Donation Bill Garners Support in Wales

Opt-Out Organ Donation Bill Garners Support in Wales

by Sophia Golec

Posted on March 28, 2013

Donor CardIn Wales this Monday, the health committee backed an opt-out organ donation bill while encouraging further consideration of several key points. The proposed bill establishes deemed consent to organ donation unless individuals opt-out at an earlier time.

The bill hopes to address critical deficiencies in organs for donation in Wales. Proponents say that the bill will change organ donation culture in the UK, inspiring an increase in available organs to serve the ever-growing list of patients in need.

Although generally well received, assembly members raise several concerns. The role of family in the process of determining consent remains unclear. Assembly members call for a definitive statement on whether or not family members should have a veto in a relation’s decision to donate or to refrain.

The opt-out bill also poses financial concerns. Due to the sensitive nature of the bill, a proposed communications campaign will inform affected parties of the newly established deemed consent. Assembly members remain skeptical of the sufficiency of the budget allotted. At the same time, the budget for intensive care units remains stretched. The minister is urged to provide a plan to ensure the units’ funding.

Health Minister Mark Drakeford told BBC: “it is very important that those people who have to navigate their way through an incredibly tense and difficult set of circumstances, when the real decisions are being made, know where the law is.”

Assembly members hope to emphasize “clarity and consistency” in the bill to maximize public confidence.

BBC News by Owain Clarke http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-21928136

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